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Here are some pictures that I just uploaded-Some of them are very recent-some aren't I just added them to the collection.  They are in no particular order...Sorry about that!! Enjoy!



I recently found some undeveloped (old school) film and got a few more  Iraq pictures!  I am so excited to have found these!

Bruce and Major Kim
This was my South Korean counterpart, Major Kim. He was very kind and very gracious.
Bruce with South Korean Logistics Officers
More of Major Kim's associates
Happy to Have Them!!
Shortly after they came-these guys placed the toilets at the Korean Compound.
South Korean Army Guys!!
These guys were so happy to have Port-a-Johns!
Tae Kwon Do
US Army PT was never like this!!
Kickin' it at Tallil
Korean Army Physical Training is Martial Arts-Tae Kwon Do.

I just got this picture from my high school days-my first musical, South Pacific.  The guy standing up at the back is my friend Steve Blackwell who put this picture on Facebook.  Thanks's Steve!!


Ahhh Wedded Bliss!  My wedding day!  An awesome day and one that I will always cherish.


Me with one of my heroes, Ron Ball.  He is a phenomenal speaker and a great man of God.  After seeing quite a lot of each other this year he has also become a great friend.  This was taken at Agard Winter 2007 Conference in Braintree, MA. 


Another great man of God, Ken Gaub. I have known Ken a few years and even shared a stage with him.  He is a fantastic minister and hysterically funny. 


Wow-an amazing entertainer and minister Sammy Hall.  Here's a guy who has been through it all-fame, fortune, drugs and alcohol, the rock and roll lifestyle...Now he sings and entertains kids in schools to inspire them to stay out of drugs while ministering the Word of God!  Hoo!


Wow! Talk about a an opportunity to get advice from the number one guy in Interactive Distribution!  Dexter Yager was with us at Agard Summer 2007 Conference and none of us were the same!  This is about 1:30 in the morning at the Silver Dollar Diner in Reston, VA.  All of us were riveted to Dex as he poured out his wisdom!

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