Bruce Chester
Bruce Chester: Entertainer
SGT Carney
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Salem State College Theatre
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My Education

Emcee, Host, Comedian, Motivational Speaker, Singer, All Around Good Guy!

A trained and experienced actor, Bruce has re-invented himself as a stand-up comic, speaker and radio talk show host.  He is the creator, writer, producer and host of his online radio show, "The Bruce Chester Show".   This show discusses politics, faith, business, and entertainment and modern American culture from a Christian perspective.  Along with this new show, Bruce will be performing stand up comedy shows throughout the New England area.
Bruce has competed at the national level in stand-up comedy and looks to showcase in Boston and New York.  Bruce has worked in film as an actor both in independent and features.  Bruce has appeared in the Chronicles of Life-The Box, The Company Men starring Ben Affleck, Kevin Costner, and Tommy Lee Jones, Knight and Day with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz and The Town, also with Ben Affleck.  Bruce's most recent film was What's My Number released September 30, 2011.  Bruce is currently developing the script for the play "Hold High the Flag, SGT Carney".

I had a revelation one day as I was spending my morning daydreaming about my future as a headliner (of some sort).  Why not a stand up comic?  I would only have to work maybe an hour or two at night, and during the day I can be a normal person toiling away at a job so my wife doesn't throw me out as a deadbeat!  Anyway, I didn't want a perfectly good Bachelor's Degree in Theatre Arts to go to waste so I decided to hone my skills as a blabbermouth-oops sorry I mean a stand-up comic.  So how do I keep my promise to my Mom to not go "Eddie Murphy, Raw" while on-stage?  Well going to church helps, along with having to face my 17 year-old daughter when I got home from a gig.  Plus my Mom has a lot of friends so I can't get away with anything!  Plus I discovered that most people like family-friendly entertainment.  Hence I am a rated G comic (sometimes, PG if I get into a rant) and prepared to keep it clean.  So check out my bookings page on how to get some of these gems.  Also I can emcee a function, host an event (that means introduce people and stuff like an emcee!) and do comedy.  I can even sing, play the drums and yodel!!  (No I can't yodel, I just made that up.) 
Anyway, come find me on the Bookings page.  Also keep coming back because I have some nifty audio/video multimedia whiz bang tidbits for you to enjoy.

Pondering, Pondering......

Support Our Troops!

Benay Communications handles all of Bruce's bookings as a speaker, comedian and emcee as well as personal appearances.  You can contact us through The Benay Companies.

Site designed by Bruce Web Design, c/o The Benay Companies,24 Beacon St 1F, Fitchburg, MA 01420